Political Wilderness?
A political novice receives no mercy. In an effort to actively participate in the political process, I created a website and a blog for my local party. I must admit that I expected it to be accepted by the local political powers and I was chagrinned when they didn't even visit the sites. Should I blame them for not doing what I wanted them to? Wisely I should not and will not. But I do have a few words that they might consider:
The democratic party, in the nation, in the state and locally is in a state of disrepair. The nation and the state want money to promote their plans. The local hierarchy wants your fealty. They have gotten what they want from me because I have sent them money and pledged my allegiance. The question now becomes what do I want from them? The answer is a great deal, but I guess you get as much as you pay for. So apparently the amount paid is not enough. Grassroots efforts, support and promotion of democrat principles , removal of the republican rascals, and the continuum of democratic values is what is offered. Sorry, that is not enough for me.
Here is what I want:
People who have ideas about creating a better community locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally. People who support others who want the same and elect them to office to carry out that simple goal. Anyone who is greedy for anything other those simple goals should not hold any public office or seek any sustenance (monetary and otherwise) from the public coffers.
All of the people that I have talked to about the sorry state of the political landscape throughout this community pretty much say the same thing. What is an ordinary person to do when they are asked to give more and more and get less and less in return? When they talk about less, they don't mean special perks - they mean respect for their worthiness as citizens and a better life for their families. Government for the sake of government is a burning issue. People want to do the right thing. They want to be creative and make a better life for themselves. The national administration takes people for fools and treat them as such.
I called state party headquarters to find out the status of our local party. I was told to ask the local chair and, besides, that local parties are all voluntary. The state spokesperson seemed offended that I should ask such a question. I apologized, after a promise that the next meeting of the local party would be discerned. I still haven't found out the time of the next meeting which is sorely needed. I am here to help just like a lot of other people who want to be part of the political process, but we just don't know where to turn. Where are our leaders and what are their intentions?
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