Location: Tennille, Georgia, United States

I am a retired person who is interested in forwarding my community in the direction which will make it a better place for all.

Monday, May 02, 2005

My Party

The Democratic Party in Washington County needs to get a move on. The local party's organizational structure is in disarray or nonexistent. The direction of the local party is unknown and I see no efforts to get it moving in any direction or moving at all. I have some questions:

Who are the chapter's officers?

What is our status with the state and national organizations?

When do we meet?

Where do we meet?

What are our plans for upcoming elections?

Who are the candidates we support?

What is the status of our finances?

What are our principles?

Do we have adopted and approved bylaws?

The list could go on. The point is that right now we are treading water at best and at worst we are drowning. In today's political world, a party organization must be proactive. We don't have anything going on. Anyone who would be willing to put forth an effort to strengthen our local chapter simply doesn't have a place to go or a template to follow.


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