Political Mathematics 101
There is strength in the control of the numbers of people and dollars. Which are you a part of? That is the basic question that faces the future of the United States of America. In the current political season those who control the numbers of dollars are driving the ship. Where they are driving it is uncertain at its best and at its worst it is toward a social and economic calamity for everyone.
The overwhelming numbers of people can and must control the course of the ship. A few families and a few number of people control the political landscape of Washington County and I dare say the same condition exists in way too many counties across this great country of ours. If you doubt this, visit http://www.opensecrets.org/ and click on Georgia and your local zip code (particularly 31082 and 31089). I do not fault anyone for whatever political affiliation they choose to support. I do urge every citizen of this county and surrounding ones to let it be known what political affiliation they prefer by registering and voting at the polls on election days. I make no secret of the fact that I support the Democratic party because it more closely relates to my philosophy of politics.
If you don't contact your representatives and let your thoughts be known, they won;t or can't act on your behalf. Our Federal representatives for this county are Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isaakson and Representative Jim Marshall. I have written to all three and the only responses I have had have been from Representative Marshall.
The point here is that the primary and majority donors have almost exclusively given to the party in power. The end result with Republicans in power has been corruption, malfeasance, and failed policies. Today, the administration and their supporters are touting the success of the economic picture to the exclusion of all the other shortcomings in infrastructure, job security, education, energy, healthcare, fair administration of justice and other things essential to the well being of the citizens of the United States. The well-heeled in this country are doing very well, while the rest of America struggles to overcome the erosion of their economic stability and security. The money donated here has been a boon to the donors, but have not translated in the betterment of this community's life. Just look at your property taxes which have just about doubled in the past two years. Have local costs of government actually increased that much? I think not. In fact, if you look at the county's largest utililizer of tax funds (The Board of Education) you will see that staff has decreased due to decrease in federal and state support to meet budgetary requirements and that has adversely affected our children and their education.
The citizens of this county need to organize in concert with citizens from surrounding counties and force a change in direction. That change in direction is best aschieved by supporting Democrats with the political fabric. Get active. You don't need lots of dollars, just interaction among yourselves. Money should not dominate the political landscape. Right should dominate and all the right is on your side.
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