
Location: Tennille, Georgia, United States

I am a retired person who is interested in forwarding my community in the direction which will make it a better place for all.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


The Democratic Party of Washington County, Georgia met for the second time since the end of the 2004 Election Cycle. There were approximately thirty citizens present at the 7:00 P.M. meeting in the Elder Community Center. There was a fair mixture of the County's citizenry represented.

Discussions were had about the following:

1. The future of the party

2. The organization of the party

3. Adopting local bylaws

4. Adopting an Executive Committee

5. Creating an Ad Hoc Nominating Committee

6. Appointing or electing eight (8) Precinct Captains for each voting district

7. Getting out the vote for the Tuesday, December 5, 2006 runoff election for Public Service Commissioner

8. Nominating and electing officers (County Chair, two Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer)

9. Ensuring participation by every segment of the County

The only official act by the party was the appointment of a nominating committe to provide names to fill the offices listed in point 8 above.