Location: Tennille, Georgia, United States

I am a retired person who is interested in forwarding my community in the direction which will make it a better place for all.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Off and Running

The Washington County Democratic Committee is up and functioning. On Tuesday, February 13, 2007, the Committee met and completed all requirements to receive its official charter. The Committee adopted bylaws, elected Bobby G. Anderson as its representative to the Democratic Party of Georgia State Committee, and elected Susie Francis as Treasurer to replace Ed Jordan. In addition, the Committee presented a plaque to George B. Williams, Jr. (in absentia) for his many years of service to the party.

The attendance at the meeting was good despite the inclement weather. During new business, the Committee adopted an existing website to become the official website of the party of which this blog is a part. Discussions were held on the way forward to increase membership, raise funds, and promotion of publicity. It was also revealed that Dem Congressional representative John Barrow will be at his local office in the Sandersville City Hall on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.

Let your voice be heard from this forum or any other of your choosing. The Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG), the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Guide to Federally Elected Officials all have forums (blogs) where citizens may express their views on the issues of today.


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